Did He Get His Butt Done?

BandMan Kevo has long been rumored to have undergone BBL. It all started when the rapper posted his chiseled physique after having liposuction and abdominoplasty on Instagram and his followers dubbed him BBL Kevo. BandMan Kevo has never admitted to having BBL. He has only opened up about having lipo and abdominoplasty.

BandMan Kevo has long been rumored to have undergone BBL. It all started when the rapper posted his chiseled physique after having liposuction and abdominoplasty on Instagram and his followers dubbed him BBL Kevo. BandMan Kevo has never admitted to having BBL. He has only opened up about having lipo and abdominoplasty.

BandMan Kevo started making music in 2012 and he has come to gain massive popularity since then. The rapper, whose real name is Kevin Ford, released his debut single How We Do It in June 2012, and with it, he rose into mainstream prominence in the world of scam rap like other scam rap artists such as Babytron, Teejayx6, and Kasher Quon.

He is most known for his song Uber, which is probably his most popular one. It was released in 2019 and has garnered over 3 million streams on Spotify. This song has massively contributed to maintaining his popularity on Spotify as it has solely helped him maintain nearly 100,000 monthly listeners on the music platform. Another thing that's keeping him popular these days is the BBL rumors about him. The rumors that he got his butt done have long been circulating on social media. Let's discuss BandMan Kevo's BBL rumors!

Also, check out the plastic surgery stories of Summer Walker and Phaedra Parks.

BandMan Kevo's BBL: Why Do People Think He Has Had His Butt Done?

BandMan Kevo (@bandman_kevo) allegedly underwent BBL to enhance his butt. A lot of people mock him for being feminine and having plastic surgery to get his a*s done even though he has never confirmed that he has had the cosmetic procedure.

The rumors of BandMan Kevo getting BBL have been going around for a long time now. houseandwhips.comThe rumors of BandMan Kevo getting BBL have been going around for a long time now.
Image Source: BlackSportsOnline

If there's one thing that BandMan Kevo hates about fame and the popularity he has on social media, it's probably the never-ending rumors that he had BBL and his followers believing them and mocking him for it. They have been going on for quite a while. It's just bizarre how they started and how they don't go away at all and how rooted they have become instead.

Maybe that all could have been avoided. Maybe Kevo sometimes thinks of how if he hadn't chosen to be honest about the plastic surgery he got to sculpt his abs and reduce his belly fat, he would never have found himself in this mess of BBL rumors because that's how it started in the first place. The first thing he did after his months-long recovery from abdominoplasty and liposuction was post his after-photos.

BandMan Kevo shared pictures of his toned abs and the chiseled physique he got after his plastic surgery on Twitter. The cocky rapper bragged about his firm and contoured abs on a floating jet ski via that post he captioned, "Watch what u say bout me Out of anger. Once it hit my ears You gotta stand on dat!” If he had meant to be all swag and cool with that post and he certainly did, it did not have the effect he intended. Instead, it had the opposite effect. People thought he was anything but cool and they dubbed him BBL Kevo.

His followers thought it was hilarious how he boasted about his new body he openly admitted to attaining by having plastic surgery and how he thought that he was being cool when he did that. They also thought that it was so unmanly that he got cosmetic surgery to get into shape. So, to mock him for being feminine, people started calling him BBL Kevo which is how the rumors started.

BandMan Kevo Has Not Admitted to Having BBL!

BandMan Kevo has never admitted to having a BBL. houseandwhips.comBandMan Kevo has never admitted to having a BBL.
Image Source: HipHopDX

BandMan Kevo, in fact, had never had BBL. He had only opened up about liposuction and abdominoplasty. He had been very candid about his plastic surgery. He had shared pictures of his pre-surgery corrective lines and he had posted a video describing the process of the cosmetic procedure. He had also explained why he decided to opt for the surgery.

He said that he was tired of having a stomach that was "big as h*ll" and though he worked out a lot to lose the fat in his belly, he just couldn't. Exercise didn't work out for him. He felt that it was impossible for him to reduce belly fat via exercise. So, though he initially didn't entertain the thought of getting lipo, he eventually decided to go for it when he learned that a lot of famous people did that and kept it on the low.

What’s so crazy is, at first I wasn’t even with no lipo shit. I’m like, ‘man I ain’t doing that shit.' Then, all my rich homies, they like, ‘man everybody do that shit, they just be low-key with it.'

Anyway, it worked out for BandMan Kevo and he dropped from 284 to 220 pounds. He could have kept it in the low like other famous people but he didn't and that's the origin of his BBL rumors. His being open about the procedure did not get him nice results though, now he gets to shade her artists for not being transparent with their plastic surgery.

