The Tragic Real-Life Story Of Arnold Schwarzenegger

ArnoldSchwarzenegger entered the world of politics as the Governor of California in 2003. He stayed in office until 2011. However, his stint as a politician wasn't exactly a roaring success story. As outlined by the New York Times, the actor wasn't loved by several members of the public. For instance, the state's workers who suffered

Arnold Schwarzenegger entered the world of politics as the Governor of California in 2003. He stayed in office until 2011. However, his stint as a politician wasn't exactly a roaring success story. As outlined by the New York Times, the actor wasn't loved by several members of the public. For instance, the state's workers who suffered from pay cuts on account of Schwarzenegger weren't fond of him, and Democrats didn't think much of his opinion on new taxes, while Republicans wanted him to be more aggressive. Plus, many members who weren't fond of cigars didn't like his smoking habit.

Schwarzenegger's tenure was lonely, and he struggled to make others happy. As he once said, "There were people all the way through, people who were disappointed." He added that while some wished to see him be way more conservative, others wanted him to be liberal, and the rest opined that he needed to be dissenting. 

According to the Atlantic, by the time Schwarzenegger was done with his role, his approval rating had fallen to 22%, and he was leaving behind a state budget deficit of $28 million — a definite disappointment and a far cry from the time when he first began his political journey. Back then, he was wildly popular among the public, and some even wondered whether he could perhaps run for president someday.

