All manner of recipes can be made within Elden Ring to the point it can be overwhelming. However, Nomadic Warrior’s Cookbook [15] is found in the depths of the Caelid region. Here’s exactly where to find it and what it unlocks.
You can discover the Nomadic Warrior’s Cookbook [15] by visiting a merchant in the Caelid region. He’s southwest of the Swamp Lookout Tower and northeast of the Cathedral of Dragon Communion.
The merchant is next to the main pathway overlooking the swamp area near the center of Caelid. Once you talk to him, you can purchase the Nomadic Warrior’s Cookbook [15] for 4,000 runes.
With this cookbook, you can create the Rotbone Arrow, Rotbone Arrow (Fletched), and the Rotbone Bolt. When you hit enemies with these arrows, they will cause scarlet rot damage.
- Rotbone Arrow x 10
- 3 Thin Beast Bones
- 1 Aeonian Butterfly
- Rotbone Arrow (Fletched) x 10
- 3 Thin Beast Bones
- 1 Flight Pinion
- 1 Aeonian Butterfly
- Rotbone Bolt x 10
- 2 Thin Beast Bones
- 1 Aeonian Butterfly
You can find Aeonian Butterflies around the nearby swamp of Aeonia. Head north from your current location and start foraging there. Be careful of the boss nearby, however, and go on horseback to avoid scarlet rot damage.
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Chris Penwell
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